MDLP Return on Knowledge book

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book cover with honey jar
Return on Knowledge cover (© LSA International)

We are delighted to tell you that the book Return on Knowledge How international development agencies are collaborating to deliver impact through knowledge, learning, research and evidence is available for free.

Return on Knowledge is a collaborative publication from members of the Multi-Donor Learning Partnership (MDLP) to showcase work done related to knowledge management and organizational learning.

Harnessing the power of the collective, the result is a compelling mosaic towards a shared goal.

The book features a case study on Knowledge management for climate networks (pag 104-109) authored by us in partnership with GIZ.

Download Return on Knowledge from Unicef website

Return on Knowledge: How international development agencies are
collaborating to deliver impact through knowledge, learning,
research and evidence.
Piers Bocock and Chris Collison
UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti, Florence, 2022