Creating and Testing the DIGITOO Toolkit: Enhancing Media and Digital Literacy in Education

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In autumn 2023, we at oneoff-tech will start a new phase of the DIGITOO project. Pursuing our agile mindset and as a member of the DIGITOO team we will support the testing and collaborative review of the toolkit on media and digital literacy skills and the handbook on digital ecology.

The DIGITOO project is developing and producing a toolkit for education professionals that will be available in seven languages. It includes methods to support teachers in improving the media and digital literacy competences of their students (aged 14-19). DIGITOO is a project funded by the EU's Erasmus+ programme. It involves collaboration between the different institutions and schools from Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Germany, Romania and Turkey.

Since October 2022 a lot has been achieved. A list of competences and skills needed to develop media and digital literacy has been jointly developed and discussed. These include for example critical thinking, information access or digital health and well-being.

Young people improve their competence to face the challenges of the digital world and to make well-informed decisions in it.

Based on these identified skills, a toolkit for teachers and a handbook for young people are in the process of being developed. And now we want to try it out!

TOOLKIT - Implementation in the classroom

A first draft of the toolkit for teachers has been elaborated, suggesting different activities for each competences that can be easily integrated into regular school lessons. In autumn 2023, we will organise workshops for the participating teachers to discuss and, if necessary, fine-tune and adapt the proposed activities according to the teaching realities of the involved schools. Is the task appropriate for the target group? Can all young people in all countries relate to the content of the tasks in the same way? These and similar questions will be discussed and then the toolkit will be finalised. In spring 2024, the elaborated activities will then be tested with young people in each of the schools.

HANDBOOK - A little Do-it-Yourself for Digital Ecology

At the same time, our handbook for young people about digital ecology is under development. It will contain age-appropriate information for young people about how digital technology affects our environment and “What can YOU do?

We at oneoff-tech are very much looking forward to this next phase and to continue working with our partners. And we are learning on the way! As a private company deeply invested in digital technology and knowledge management, our decision to engage in the Erasmus Plus project on digital citizenship stems from a strong belief in the importance of responsible digital engagement. We recognize that digital citizenship is integral to the success of our digital technology endeavors and knowledge management practices, as it fosters a culture of responsible digital behavior, information sharing, and collaboration, not only within young people but for all.